Today The Party in the Pines Motorcycle Rally had their Patriotic Parade in Longview. The rally has been going on all weekend. The parade left Jaycee Rd and went down Cotton, McCann Rd, Hawkins Parkway, Gilmer Rd, Loop 281, and back around the to fairgrounds. With the help of my brother Nicholas I was able to be in three spots and shoot the parade. I began shooting coming out of the Maude Cobb Convention Center entrance across the road. As soon as the guesstimated 1200 bikes past we loaded up and went to the intersection of Bill Owens and Hawkins Parkway where the Lutheran Church is at. After that we went to FM 1845 and Jaycee Dr to get a corner shot of the bikes leaning over to turn the corner. Along with the local bikers where the Patriot Guard Riders. Now if you don't now about the PGR the you should really check out their website.
I wasn't going to get up and go photograph the parade today because I am working nights and I had to be at work tonight at 11 p.m. but something was telling me that I should really go. So I did and here are the images. Enjoy!
Thanks to the Texas Patriot Guard Riders. A great group of people!
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